War, Fighter

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15-December-2018 Saturday
A bit of nostalgia, part 2

25-September-2018 Tuesday
Su-34 conducted launches of the latest Kh-35U aircraft missiles

05-September-2018 Wednesday
How we brought down our "donkey". Grandfather's memoirs

03-January-2018 Wednesday
Instructions for an American pilot during the Cold War

Content is hidden

16-October-2017 Monday
How Ivan Kozhedub shot down two US fighters in the skies over Berlin

24-July-2017 Monday
Not so simple

17-February-2017 Friday
Interesting cases of death of fighters

24-June-2016 Friday
An I-16 fighter with a high-explosive bomb weighing 250 kg is suspended under the wing of a TB-3 aircraft. 1941

28-May-2016 Saturday
Allied fighters, 1945

17-March-2016 Thursday
"Red Devil": Soviet Baron Munchausen

20-December-2015 Sunday
Media: Russian fighter jets will escort Assad's plane to Iran

19-October-2015 Monday
The Syrian army keeps the defense in the surrounded Der ez-Zor.

14-August-2015 Friday
Father in the Sky.

24-April-2015 Friday
Strange feeling.

08-April-2015 Wednesday
MiG vs Phantom

29-December-2014 Monday
The moment of shooting down a German fighter in the pictures of a photo machine gun

24-July-2014 Thursday
The Russian Su-50 flies with one wing.

22-July-2014 Tuesday
Photographer with balls of steel

06-July-2014 Sunday
Assault aircraft early in the morning ...

31-May-2014 Saturday
Tactical fighter-bomber SU-34.

24-May-2014 Saturday
Here is the baby!!!

08-April-2013 Monday
Army, such an army

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