Video, Birds

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26-October-2013 Saturday
Woodpeckers filled the antenna with nuts

22-October-2013 Tuesday
Rabbits can fly... proof.

18-October-2013 Friday
Vandalism or art? :) Your opinion ? Drawn by yourself, Donetsk :)

18-October-2013 Friday

17-October-2013 Thursday
Birds - graffiti / graffiti Birds

13-October-2013 Sunday
Sly Kea parrots

13-October-2013 Sunday
Parrot tap dance

09-October-2013 Wednesday
The bird crashed into the train

30-September-2013 Monday
The bird disrupted the broadcast of Channel Five.

27-September-2013 Friday
The Bird of Happiness is watching you!

22-September-2013 Sunday
The Bird of Happiness

17-September-2013 Tuesday
Bird fights on the balcony in Moscow...

10-September-2013 Tuesday
"Chito grito" Mimino

30-August-2013 Friday
The lyrebird (or lyre bird) has an amazing ability ...

26-August-2013 Monday
Positive birdie takes a bath in her hands

13-August-2013 Tuesday
fed the stork

06-August-2013 Tuesday
The subtext of perverted cartoonists or the vulgar thoughts of the audience?

04-August-2013 Sunday
The bird imitates the cry of a child

24-May-2013 Friday
Short cartoon "Bird"

23-May-2013 Thursday
Crow playing with a ball

13-May-2013 Monday
Who Said Meow?

10-May-2013 Friday
It's time for birdwatching ^^

19-April-2013 Friday
bird om nom nom

08-April-2013 Monday
Nice voice recorder!

20-March-2013 Wednesday
A conversation between a cat and a bird.

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