Relationship, Female

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15-March-2018 Thursday
Uncomfortable life or needs?

09-March-2018 Friday
He kisses you, says he loves you...

01-March-2018 Thursday
...and don't pee in my potty!

01-February-2018 Thursday
How-tos of human relations

28-January-2018 Sunday
Relationships are built on three pillars.

27-January-2018 Saturday
Relationships are built on three pillars.

25-January-2018 Thursday
Relationships are built on three pillars.

02-January-2015 Friday
Trolling women))

30-May-2014 Friday
About women's hints

05-May-2014 Monday
My life is boring! Nothing happens in it.

07-June-2013 Friday
Between a man and a girl...

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