Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, War

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16-August-2022 Tuesday
No one is forgotten .... Year 1942 my walking with a request 2014, ending 2022

09-May-2022 Monday
WWII veterans. How many of them are left in Russia?

22-June-2021 Tuesday
Interview with the hero of the Second World War Ivan Dmitrievich Chuprynov - with a wound in the leg, he persuaded the commander to storm Berlin

09-May-2021 Sunday
Guryev Arsenty Pavlovich. Feat

08-April-2021 Thursday
After the war, national gangs in Poland, which were specially created to kill Russian soldiers, were destroyed

15-March-2021 Monday
Georgy Chanakhchidi: “It is impossible for people to forget about all the horrors that not only the inhabitants of the Soviet Union had to go through...”

08-May-2020 Friday
We don’t know how my Great-Grandfather died

28-June-2019 Friday
Veteran without complexes

03-June-2018 Sunday
He was shot, twice buried alive, 60 (!) times he was wounded.

13-July-2017 Thursday
Something new (16+) <- I warned you =)

15-January-2017 Sunday
With the sun in my soul

30-January-2015 Friday
When you find old pictures of your grandfather

09-May-2014 Friday
We are the last generation to see veterans.

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