Great Britain, Fantasy

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13-November-2019 Wednesday
London 4019. In Britain. chapter 6

04-May-2019 Saturday
A good series from the past: "Bugs. Electronic bugs" / "Electronic bugs" / "Bugs" (1995-1999)

15-April-2019 Monday
2387 year. Earth is a member of the Federation of Planets. Except for the UK, which is still trying to leave the EU.

11-August-2016 Thursday
I advise you to watch the movie "MOON 2112" (2009)

21-July-2016 Thursday
I advise you to watch the movie "PRESTIGE" (2006)

19-July-2016 Tuesday
I advise you to watch the movie "PEKLO" 2007

19-July-2016 Tuesday
I advise you to watch the movie "ORANGE CLOCK" (1971)

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