Great Britain, Russia

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26-March-2014 Wednesday
The UK is preparing to start direct purchases of gas from Russia in October this year.

24-March-2014 Monday
Countryballs 8-bit "Do you want to play?"

24-March-2014 Monday
British weekly: fiasco in Ukraine marked the end of EU's "dreams of empire"

23-March-2014 Sunday
The head of the British Foreign Office told how they will isolate Russia.

22-March-2014 Saturday
World Cup 2018

18-March-2014 Tuesday
For London, Crimea remains Ukrainian territory

16-March-2014 Sunday
UN may bypass Russia's veto on resolution on Ukraine

12-March-2014 Wednesday
The Russian Foreign Ministry reminded the United States of the formulas of the Declaration of Independence

05-March-2014 Wednesday
Some English sanctions

04-March-2014 Tuesday
The British will support Russia

12-February-2014 Wednesday
British answer to Russian justice (6 years in prison for one well-deserved aunt for 4 grams of painkillers)

11-February-2014 Tuesday
A look at the Olympics from afar

10-February-2014 Monday
The Olympics in Sochi were captured by EVIL

08-January-2014 Wednesday
A Russian missile cruiser has been discovered off the coast of Great Britain.

06-January-2014 Monday
Russian warship scared the UK

20-December-2013 Friday
How problems are solved in different countries

30-November-2013 Saturday
Black myths about Russia. From Ivan the Terrible to the present day

26-November-2013 Tuesday
Russians will be able to get a visa to the UK in three working days

11-November-2013 Monday
Margaret Thatcher and Russia

29-August-2013 Thursday
In view of recent events and possible continuation.

29-August-2013 Thursday
Third world? (More or less MEANINGful article)

14-August-2013 Wednesday

23-July-2013 Tuesday
Gentlemen of Fortune from the UK

19-May-2013 Sunday
Nothing depends on Russia

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