Vaccination, Children

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04-February-2019 Monday
Once again about the benefits of vaccinations.

28-January-2019 Monday
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

22-October-2018 Monday
There are two types of people ...

22-October-2018 Monday
Consequences of BCG vaccination

20-September-2018 Thursday
Came to get vaccinated

20-September-2018 Thursday
Unnecessary vaccinations

03-July-2018 Tuesday
Bronchitis after vaccination

26-June-2018 Tuesday
Campaign photo for primitive anti-vaxxers

01-April-2018 Sunday
A couple of words about "anti-vaccination" mothers

23-February-2018 Friday
About anti-vaxxers..

10-February-2018 Saturday
Let's talk about vaccinations. Part one. Adjuvants

25-October-2017 Wednesday
On Sakhalin, an allergic child was vaccinated against the flu, despite the refusal of the parents

24-October-2017 Tuesday
Almost 60% of Russians opposed the punishment of parents of unvaccinated children.

18-September-2017 Monday
The Ministry of Health has not made a decision on the punishment of parents for refusing to be vaccinated

10-April-2017 Monday
No right to health

09-April-2017 Sunday
Izhmat and the lack of vaccinations are fatal.

10-September-2016 Saturday
Kuznetsova - the new Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation instead of Astakhov, get acquainted

26-July-2016 Tuesday
"You will understand"

24-July-2016 Sunday
The truth about vaccinations.

18-May-2015 Monday
Fake it right!

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