Future, Scientists

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08-November-2016 Tuesday
Scientists have invented the fuel of the future

30-October-2016 Sunday
The science

04-September-2016 Sunday
Scientists: in 20 years people will give up sex

21-August-2016 Sunday
Singapore scientists have created the concrete of the future

21-August-2016 Sunday
Archaeologists at the Xinjiang Institute are also time travelers

06-August-2016 Saturday
Scientists create electronics in the style of "liquid terminator"

27-July-2016 Wednesday

30-April-2016 Saturday
Scientists have suggested when humanity will come into contact with aliens

18-March-2016 Friday
Russian scientists approached the creation of a quantum computer

20-February-2016 Saturday
Important discoveries of Perm scientists.

05-February-2016 Friday
Chinese scientists warmed up the plasma three times hotter than the solar core

30-December-2015 Wednesday
Is the Death Star an empty fantasy or a realizable project?

11-August-2015 Tuesday
Forecasts of scientists speaking at Joint Statistical Meetings 2015

25-June-2015 Thursday
FORECAST OF SCIENTISTS What awaits us in the near future

07-May-2015 Thursday
Estimated appearance of a person of the future

19-February-2015 Thursday
«Homo memberportantes»

21-July-2014 Monday
Findings of scientists

05-March-2014 Wednesday
Experts in the field of artificial intelligence predict that in less than five years, humans will be completely replaced by machines.

07-January-2014 Tuesday
Scientists, you have one more year

29-September-2013 Sunday
Ghostly interaction of particles.

06-September-2013 Friday
It is worth considering!

10-July-2013 Wednesday
Poor scientists :c

01-July-2013 Monday
This is how scientists see us in 100,000 years

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