Disease, Cardiology

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19-May-2023 Friday
Open heart surgery, father aged 70

12-April-2023 Wednesday
Can there be tingling and rash all over the body due to thick blood?

07-March-2022 Monday
I really need the advice of a cardiologist and dermatologist

06-March-2022 Sunday
What's wrong with my heart? How long will I be able to live?

06-March-2022 Sunday
Not for the sake of diagnosis, but at least some reassurance.

03-February-2022 Thursday
A question for doctors. Extrasystole ventricularis

10-April-2021 Saturday
Reply to the post “How to lose weight if you have a heart condition and not go crazy”

10-April-2021 Saturday
How to lose weight if you have a heart condition and not go crazy

21-August-2019 Wednesday
Sprouted in the heart

04-November-2018 Sunday
Please help, I need advice

17-June-2018 Sunday
Medical educational program

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