Disease, Vaccine

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02-March-2020 Monday
About the benefits of vaccines

24-February-2020 Monday
Where new infections come from and why everything is much more serious than it seems

10-January-2020 Friday
Migrants bring measles to Irkutsk. To protect the population, they will be vaccinated

08-November-2019 Friday
How not to die from cervical cancer

25-October-2019 Friday
Poliovirus type 3 declared eradicated

02-October-2019 Wednesday
Viruses and diseases of our pets.

18-March-2019 Monday
Doctors said that there is an outbreak of measles in the world and anti-vaxxers are to blame for it

06-March-2019 Wednesday
To be or not to be a vaccine

02-November-2018 Friday
Another “victory” for vaccine opponents

27-September-2018 Thursday
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine accused Russia of unwillingness of Ukrainians to be vaccinated

24-August-2018 Friday
Spread of HIV in Russia

19-July-2018 Thursday
What vaccines do adults need?

08-May-2018 Tuesday
Why a number of important vaccines are not included in the national immunization schedule

06-October-2016 Thursday
A universal vaccine has been developed against most influenza strains

01-February-2016 Monday
About sickness...

30-December-2015 Wednesday
Time taken to develop vaccines

07-November-2013 Thursday
Forgotten diseases

15-May-2013 Wednesday
Doctors and the vaccine

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