God, Critical thinking

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27-May-2023 Saturday
Reflections on the topic "The Universe and God"

18-May-2023 Thursday
Have we revealed too much of our personal lives in the age of social media?"

18-May-2023 Thursday
If you left your phone at home in a crazy rush... About a healthy life...

18-May-2023 Thursday
The Russian Orthodox Church approved a prayer for job search

15-May-2023 Monday
How I believed in God

28-April-2023 Friday
Help me understand: why do I need faith?

27-April-2023 Thursday
Alternative gifted

24-April-2023 Monday
On the adoption of the Orthodox faith

23-April-2023 Sunday
How is a church different from a commercial organization?

24-July-2022 Sunday
Reply to Why Religion Is Dangerous

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