Poverty, Economy

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13-January-2018 Saturday
Russian pensioners again began to fight for expired food from garbage dumps

28-December-2017 Thursday
The poverty rate in Ukraine decreased from 54.5% to 39.4%.

06-November-2017 Monday
Mikhail Delyagin: The whole truth about the economy.

31-October-2017 Tuesday
Government experts named the exact number of poor working Russians

06-September-2017 Wednesday
Most of the poor were Russians with children

28-June-2017 Wednesday
Golikova announced an increase of 2 million in the number of Russians below the poverty line

15-May-2017 Monday
Social inequality

05-April-2017 Wednesday
Economic economy or who in Russia live well

25-January-2017 Wednesday
Two-thirds of Russians may be below the poverty line.

09-January-2017 Monday
L - logic

01-October-2016 Saturday
Golodets spoke about the steady increase in poverty in Russia since 2014

02-August-2016 Tuesday
The most acute problems, the Russians called the rise in prices and poverty

31-March-2016 Thursday
Translation from "NP": How Freeways Affect Poverty in the US

29-March-2016 Tuesday
Poverty and steps to save the "budget" of Russia

18-January-2016 Monday
The assets of the rich 1% are equal to the assets of the rest of humanity, or long live capitalism!

15-January-2016 Friday
Did you recognize yourself?

25-December-2015 Friday
Experts warn of the risk of becoming poor half of the population of Russia

10-December-2015 Thursday
Looking back at Carlin...

19-October-2015 Monday
Minimum wage

13-October-2015 Tuesday
"How much money do you need to be happy?"

09-September-2015 Wednesday
Every fourth citizen of the EU is at the poverty line

29-March-2015 Sunday
"Why Russians are poor"

27-March-2015 Friday
Entertaining economy, or where is the money, Vasya?!

19-November-2014 Wednesday
Maybe it's time to pomaydanit yourself? Don't meddle in the affairs of other countries

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