Archeology, Treasure

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29-March-2018 Thursday

03-March-2018 Saturday
Treasure of gold coins found in Poland

29-October-2017 Sunday
Items from the burial of a German leader from Hammertingen, 6th century AD.

22-July-2017 Saturday
Rogozen treasure, Thrace, circa 4th century BC

28-June-2017 Wednesday
Azov archaeologists found a treasure

18-March-2017 Saturday
Every treasure hunter needs to know this.

14-January-2017 Saturday
Do you find a lot of gold?

11-November-2016 Friday
"RYAZAN BARMS" - an element from the treasure trove of 1822:

18-May-2016 Wednesday
The Crimean bridge began to pay off.

20-February-2016 Saturday
The most expensive coins in the world

04-November-2015 Wednesday
How we searched for treasure and found it

08-February-2015 Sunday
Spring cop.

05-February-2015 Thursday
We are cops.

15-July-2013 Monday
Typical questions to the archaeologist from the local population

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