Alcohol, Short post

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29-June-2022 Wednesday
The choice is made

29-June-2022 Wednesday
I don't take care of myself at all.

08-June-2022 Wednesday
What is E equal to?

24-May-2022 Tuesday
5 words

22-May-2022 Sunday
Rhetorical question

18-May-2022 Wednesday
You can't drink all the alcohol, but you need to strive for this

13-April-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "The Post of an Alcoholic or For Whom the Demon Weeps"

27-February-2022 Sunday
Actual toast

13-February-2022 Sunday
Risus.corvus' response in "Restoring Odors After Covid. It worked!"

02-January-2022 Sunday
To the alcoholic league

20-December-2021 Monday
Question about a snack for the new year

09-December-2021 Thursday
Blue Blue Frost

08-March-2019 Friday
If I had my own clothing line

05-November-2018 Monday

28-September-2018 Friday
Alcohol damages sculptures (sometimes)

29-October-2015 Thursday
About any Friday

08-March-2015 Sunday
Drink Review

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