Alexander Lukashenko, Negative

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24-December-2021 Friday
A resident of Baranavichy was convicted for insulting Lukashenka. The trial was held at the enterprise where he worked

18-November-2021 Thursday
"Resonant" corpses, unreliable doctors are fired, the police are in command. What is happening with the forensic examination in Belarus

01-October-2021 Friday
The head of the KGB of Belarus promised not to leave the murder of an employee unanswered

29-September-2021 Wednesday
Tsepkalo urged to follow the example of the Belarusian who shot the KGB officer

29-September-2021 Wednesday
Lukashenka promised not to leave unpunished the murder of a KGB officer

06-September-2021 Monday
Russian woman detained in Belarus for slandering Lukashenka

06-September-2021 Monday
Russian woman faces five years in prison for tweet about Lukashenka and landing of Ryanair plane

03-September-2021 Friday
“Who do you think is the man in this relationship?” The guy was given a year and a half of "home chemistry" for "insulting" Lukashenka

09-August-2021 Monday
The inscription "dictator's estate" appeared in the designation of the working residence of the President of Belarus - the Palace of Independence in Minsk

03-August-2021 Tuesday
And Belarusians continue to be killed

01-August-2021 Sunday
Kristina Timanovskaya: “I ask the IOC for help, I was put under pressure and they are trying to take me out of the country without my consent”

08-June-2021 Tuesday
Court sends man accused of insulting Lukashenka to psychiatric hospital for treatment

23-May-2021 Sunday
Response to the post “Ryanair: Dispatchers from Belarus reported a threat on the plane with the ex-editor-in-chief of NEXTA on board”

23-May-2021 Sunday
Ryanair: Dispatchers from Belarus reported about the threat on the plane with the ex-chief editor of NEXTA on board

26-April-2020 Sunday
“You can’t treat people like that.” The widow of a person who died from coronavirus decided to respond to Lukashenko

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