Australia, Animal book

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31-March-2022 Thursday
Chicken goose: Learned to drink salt water and live on remote islands to raise its offspring in safety

19-February-2022 Saturday
Response to the post "Bearded Agama: A Lizard That Will Wave Your Paw When You Meet. One of the few reptiles that can be "friends" with people"

05-January-2022 Wednesday
Giant Cuckoo: Size XXL meanness. Not only throws eggs into other people's nests, but also attacks chicks

03-January-2022 Monday
Palorchest: The body of a bear, the head of a tapir and a very long tongue. Prehistoric Australia strikes again with its inhabitants

09-December-2021 Thursday
Whiplash Spider: An enemy of sorts. Spider in the form of an Alien larva skillfully hunts its "brothers"

07-December-2021 Tuesday
Spotted Couscous: Unfamiliar fauna. Lazy inhabitants of Australian forests

06-December-2021 Monday
Ground parrot: Refused to fly, and there are poisonous predators around. But he learned to run like a madman.

03-December-2021 Friday
Dingo: A dog from two worlds. They changed an entire continent, and Australians are still terrified of them

14-September-2021 Tuesday
marsupial mouse: Disposable males. The mating season sucks their life to the state of a mummy

08-August-2021 Sunday
Australian bronze borers: Their males choose beer bottles over females. The story of how glass containers destroy the species

24-July-2021 Saturday
Spider Gladiator: Throw a web to trap the beast. A strange predator uses the tactics of the ancient Romans for hunting

07-July-2021 Wednesday
Giant monitor lizard: A dangerous and aggressive predator that does not allow the Australian fauna to completely die

07-July-2021 Wednesday
Moluccan ibis: "Doves" in Australian. Healthy bald birds filled the cities, eat garbage and steal fast food

07-July-2021 Wednesday
Rhinoceros cockroach: In Australia, even cockroaches are the size of mice! But they peacefully chew poisonous eucalyptus

02-June-2021 Wednesday
Pygmy possum: Milota at the epicenter of the Australian horror. How does 7 grams of charm survive in a deadly continent?

17-May-2021 Monday
Endoxyla Sinerius: The world's heaviest giant moth and its sausage-sized larvae

05-January-2021 Tuesday
Irukandji: Chance contact. A tiny 2 cm jellyfish is deadly poisonous, but the bite hardly hurts

03-October-2020 Saturday
Fox kuzu: New Zealand's problem with terribly cute destroyers of their homes and nature

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