Aviation, Rocket

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14-March-2019 Thursday
At the controls of the aircraft of the future

01-January-2018 Monday
A Boeing B-17 died a warrior's death as a target drone for a Nike missile, 1954.

01-November-2017 Wednesday
The surviving glider from Messersmitt Me.163 was walked across the sky.

07-July-2017 Friday
7 Legendary Soviet Brands That Are Actually Western [Fake]

03-November-2016 Thursday
Rocket Opel

25-February-2016 Thursday
Su-34 missile launch

19-November-2015 Thursday
Launches of cruise missiles at terrorist targets in Syria from the Tu-160. Pay attention to the new missiles.

22-October-2015 Thursday
Takeoff transport aircraft using powder boosters.

21-September-2015 Monday
Personnel of the Russian-Belarusian operational exercises "Union Shield-2015"

29-July-2014 Tuesday
Aviadarts-2014. Combat use.

16-June-2014 Monday
High-precision missile AGM-158 JASSM

11-June-2014 Wednesday

02-June-2014 Monday
Fragments of an aircraft rocket found near the building of the regional administration in Lugansk

13-May-2014 Tuesday
Launch of Kh-55M cruise missile

20-April-2014 Sunday
Falcon 9 Reusable rocket test (vertical landing)

17-November-2013 Sunday
The rocket and its victims

03-June-2013 Monday
Checking the combat readiness of ZVO aviation + video

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