Avatar: The Legend of Aang, Cartoons

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27-November-2016 Sunday
Who is the last person to see a therapist?

21-September-2016 Wednesday
If you recognize this picture, then you have seen one of the saddest scenes in cartoons.

02-September-2016 Friday
ATLA - Book One: Water

17-May-2016 Tuesday
Avatar: The Last Airbender is more than just a cartoon

24-December-2015 Thursday
Zuko and Mei

24-December-2015 Thursday
Sokka and Suyuki

21-February-2015 Saturday
Avatar: The Legend of Aang

21-October-2014 Tuesday
Avatar Aang and his family

03-October-2014 Friday
Avatar: The Legend of Lumia

24-June-2014 Tuesday
"This artifact was given to me by my uncle"

17-January-2014 Friday
Who gets nostalgia in one place?;)

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