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18-July-2023 Tuesday
Blue-legged hermit crabs: a bright companion for your aquarium

17-July-2023 Monday
Cameroonian filter feeder shrimp (Atya gabonensis)

17-July-2023 Monday
Brown pacu (Colossoma macropomum): Amazonian giant among fish

13-July-2023 Thursday
Empathy in the Animal Kingdom: Exploring the Friendliness and Caring of Elephants

11-July-2023 Tuesday
The power and secrets of the jaws of crocodiles: the most powerful bite in the animal kingdom

10-July-2023 Monday
Empresses of Savannah: why do lions mostly hunt females?

03-July-2023 Monday
Jellyfish lived on Earth before dinosaurs

29-June-2023 Thursday
Penguins see perfectly in water, but on land they are a little short-sighted.

16-June-2023 Friday
Scorpions are one of the most ancient living creatures on Earth.

15-June-2023 Thursday
Which types of sharks most often attack people, and which are the most harmless

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