Red Front

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04-March-2024 Monday
Communist Party agitators on the New York subway

01-March-2024 Friday
Whose culture is more powerful: the one that is imitated or the one that is imitated?

27-February-2024 Tuesday
“He became a millionaire in the 8th grade, but what have you achieved, you lazy person?”

21-February-2024 Wednesday
The credo of capitalism: “A person is valuable as long as he can generate income”

20-February-2024 Tuesday
30 years without the Evil Empire

19-February-2024 Monday
Rapper Lilpeep brags about his grandfather - a Harvard professor and a convinced communist

18-February-2024 Sunday
Victims of the tandem of the education system in conjunction with US propaganda

18-February-2024 Sunday
A ghost haunts Latham...

17-February-2024 Saturday
Slay the dragon within yourself

16-February-2024 Friday
The main "gesture of goodwill" in the entire history of Russia

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