NATO, Humor
Page 16

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12-July-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Whose boy is lost?"

12-July-2023 Wednesday
In the light of recent events

12-July-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Whose boy is lost?"

11-July-2023 Tuesday
Disappointing outcome of the NATO summit in Vilnius

24-June-2023 Saturday
Did not have time

03-May-2023 Wednesday
Uncle Misha also knew or understood something

23-April-2023 Sunday
"Headache". This is how the head of NATO commented on the problem of Ukraine's counter-offensive

22-March-2023 Wednesday
Response to the post "An updated version of the Russian T-62 tanks outperforms Western tanks on the battlefield"

21-March-2023 Tuesday
Putin's arrest warrant and consequences / Grave consequences for the West / Drone over the Black Sea and SU-27

17-March-2023 Friday
Joe Biden sends condolences to family of downed drone pilot

16-March-2023 Thursday
Response to the post "American UAV MQ-9 Reaper found 60 km from Sevastopol at a depth of about 900 meters"

16-March-2023 Thursday
Response to the post "One of the best F-16 fighter pilots in the world announced his readiness to go to Ukraine"

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