Military enlistment office, Politics
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02-May-2024 Thursday
Media: Ukrainians abandon their cars on the highway and flee to Moldova

17-April-2024 Wednesday
Foreign passports of Ukrainians who left the country without permission from the military registration and enlistment office will be canceled

14-April-2024 Sunday
In Ukraine, military registration and enlistment office employees beat a woman

05-April-2024 Friday
Lukashenko signed a law on introducing SMS summonses to military registration and enlistment offices

30-March-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Ukrainian women with a stick put a TCC employee to flight”

30-March-2024 Saturday
Ukrainian women with a stick put a TCC employee to flight

21-March-2024 Thursday
In Ukraine, military registration and enlistment office employees beat a man on the street

17-March-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “It’s time to defend”

01-March-2024 Friday
Residents of Kyiv protested at the military registration and enlistment office

09-February-2024 Friday
The Ukrainian government allowed military registration and enlistment offices to work around the clock

06-February-2024 Tuesday
Passengers of an Odessa minibus captured a man from military commissars

05-February-2024 Monday
About how he made jokes at the military registration and enlistment office and broke into the military commissar (slightly)

17-January-2024 Wednesday
They started killing military commissars in Ukraine

14-January-2024 Sunday
"Who wrote millions of denunciations?"

17-December-2023 Sunday
Funeral procedure for a deceased person in the Northern Military District

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