Psychiatry, Mental disorderPage 13
14-September-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "Active recreation"
13-September-2024 Friday
How do you feel about forced sterilization of the mentally ill?
08-September-2024 Sunday
In the Novosibirsk region, a woman came to the hospital to save her brother Seryoga, but there is a nuance
02-September-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "Long-term serious side effects of SSRIs, or how I have been suffering for 6 months"
25-August-2024 Sunday
17-August-2024 Saturday
11-August-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Entertaining side effects”
04-August-2024 Sunday
Answer by Anonymous in “Advice for those whose depressive phases return”
01-August-2024 Thursday
Continuation of the post “Tips for those whose depressive phases return”
25-July-2024 Thursday
Tips for those whose depressive phases return
16-July-2024 Tuesday
Generalized anxiety disorder (flask whistling for any reason) and the dentist
07-July-2024 Sunday
The goal of the project "We: me and you"
17-June-2024 Monday
Internal dialogue
07-June-2024 Friday
Question for psychiatrists
07-June-2024 Friday
Psychiatrist about children on the Internet, substances and teenage psychosis
07-June-2024 Friday
Panic disorder - help needed
06-June-2024 Thursday
Mental hospital news
01-June-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “How I was registered as a fool”
28-May-2024 Tuesday
How I was registered as a fool
26-May-2024 Sunday
Available psychological help
08-May-2024 Wednesday
Medicine for the head
04-May-2024 Saturday
Father dies due to mental problems
08-April-2024 Monday
My son considers himself a cat. I took him to the vet
29-March-2024 Friday
SCHIZODaughter, 11-12 years old. Present tense
18-March-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “I’m just whining”