Society, School
Page 13

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13-June-2024 Thursday
Kot87's reply to "Humiliation"

13-June-2024 Thursday
Kot87's reply to "Humiliation"

12-June-2024 Wednesday
Continuation of the post “Humiliation”

12-June-2024 Wednesday
Kot87's reply to "Humiliation"

12-June-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Humiliation”

01-June-2024 Saturday
Minister of Education of the Voronezh Region Natalya Salogubova called for a taboo on criticism of the Unified State Examination

20-May-2024 Monday
The State Duma has found a way to encourage excellent students

20-May-2024 Monday
In Russian schools it was proposed to introduce “chastity lessons”

24-April-2024 Wednesday
What to do if a young teacher calls you “YOU”, and in response demands “YOU”?

24-April-2024 Wednesday
“If you start calling teachers YOU, then most likely you will stop being an excellent student” - how do you understand?

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