Vaccine, Russia
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20-March-2022 Sunday
Moscow State University has created a vaccine against anthrax

14-March-2022 Monday
Covid officially - everything

04-February-2022 Friday
Response to the post "The Ministry of Health announced the completion of all tests of Sputnik V"

04-February-2022 Friday
The Ministry of Health announced the completion of all tests of "Sputnik V"

03-February-2022 Thursday
Russia exported vaccines for $ 1.3 billion in 2021

02-February-2022 Wednesday
Russia's intellectual and production capabilities for vaccine production are phenomenal

29-January-2022 Saturday

24-January-2022 Monday
Fighting the system

21-January-2022 Friday
Reuters: Sputnik V shows higher levels of Omicron antibodies than Pfizer in preliminary study

13-January-2022 Thursday
The release of the vaccine "Sputnik M" in civilian circulation is expected next week

11-January-2022 Tuesday
The causes of death of the Olympic champion Anatoly Alyabyev became known

11-January-2022 Tuesday
Europe has recognized the standards of production of "Sputnik V"

10-January-2022 Monday
Rospotrebnadzor explained why children are increasingly sick with coronavirus

10-January-2022 Monday
The head of the Russian Academy of Sciences called the timing of the recognition of Russian vaccines by international regulators

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