The seller on AliExpress asks to pay extra for an already purchased product due to an error with a discount on the price! What to do?

The seller on AliExpress asks to pay extra for an already purchased product due to an error with a discount on the price! What to do? - Question, Advice, Need advice, Consultation, Problem, Experience, Choice, Personal experience, Self-development, Motivation, Longpost
The seller on AliExpress asks to pay extra for an already purchased product due to an error with a discount on the price! What to do? - Question, Advice, Need advice, Consultation, Problem, Experience, Choice, Personal experience, Self-development, Motivation, Longpost
The seller on AliExpress asks to pay extra for an already purchased product due to an error with a discount on the price! What to do? - Question, Advice, Need advice, Consultation, Problem, Experience, Choice, Personal experience, Self-development, Motivation, Longpost
