"Lesson" is an Israeli series about the conflict between a high school student and a teacher on the topic of politics. Based on a true story

Lesson is an Israeli series about the conflict between a high school student and a teacher on the topic of politics. Based on a true story - My, Social drama, Drama, Israel, What to see, Foreign serials, Serials, Review, Recommendations, Video, Youtube, Longpost
Lesson is an Israeli series about the conflict between a high school student and a teacher on the topic of politics. Based on a true story - My, Social drama, Drama, Israel, What to see, Foreign serials, Serials, Review, Recommendations, Video, Youtube, Longpost
Lesson is an Israeli series about the conflict between a high school student and a teacher on the topic of politics. Based on a true story - My, Social drama, Drama, Israel, What to see, Foreign serials, Serials, Review, Recommendations, Video, Youtube, Longpost
Lesson is an Israeli series about the conflict between a high school student and a teacher on the topic of politics. Based on a true story - My, Social drama, Drama, Israel, What to see, Foreign serials, Serials, Review, Recommendations, Video, Youtube, Longpost
