Creator of PMC "Mozart", who is fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, admits to the atrocities of the Ukrainian troops

Creator of PMC Mozart, who is fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, admits to the atrocities of the Ukrainian troops - Politics, news, NATO, Criminals, Atrocities, Prisoners, West, Mercenaries, The americans, Ukrainians, Media and press, Deserters, The escape, Video, Longpost, Youtube
Creator of PMC Mozart, who is fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, admits to the atrocities of the Ukrainian troops - Politics, news, NATO, Criminals, Atrocities, Prisoners, West, Mercenaries, The americans, Ukrainians, Media and press, Deserters, The escape, Video, Longpost, Youtube
Creator of PMC Mozart, who is fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, admits to the atrocities of the Ukrainian troops - Politics, news, NATO, Criminals, Atrocities, Prisoners, West, Mercenaries, The americans, Ukrainians, Media and press, Deserters, The escape, Video, Longpost, Youtube
Creator of PMC Mozart, who is fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, admits to the atrocities of the Ukrainian troops - Politics, news, NATO, Criminals, Atrocities, Prisoners, West, Mercenaries, The americans, Ukrainians, Media and press, Deserters, The escape, Video, Longpost, Youtube
