From driftwood to a designer feeder: a pensioner from the Moscow region collects eco-materials for creativity in the forest

From driftwood to a designer feeder: a pensioner from the Moscow region collects eco-materials for creativity in the forest - Garbage, Ecology, With your own hands, Trough, Подмосковье, Longpost
From driftwood to a designer feeder: a pensioner from the Moscow region collects eco-materials for creativity in the forest - Garbage, Ecology, With your own hands, Trough, Подмосковье, Longpost
From driftwood to a designer feeder: a pensioner from the Moscow region collects eco-materials for creativity in the forest - Garbage, Ecology, With your own hands, Trough, Подмосковье, Longpost
From driftwood to a designer feeder: a pensioner from the Moscow region collects eco-materials for creativity in the forest - Garbage, Ecology, With your own hands, Trough, Подмосковье, Longpost
