I found a plate in an abandoned house, with coins glued on. I still don’t understand - ritual or pampering

I found a plate in an abandoned house, with coins glued on. I still don’t understand - ritual or pampering - My, Search, Find, Ritual, Longpost
I found a plate in an abandoned house, with coins glued on. I still don’t understand - ritual or pampering - My, Search, Find, Ritual, Longpost
I found a plate in an abandoned house, with coins glued on. I still don’t understand - ritual or pampering - My, Search, Find, Ritual, Longpost
I found a plate in an abandoned house, with coins glued on. I still don’t understand - ritual or pampering - My, Search, Find, Ritual, Longpost
I found a plate in an abandoned house, with coins glued on. I still don’t understand - ritual or pampering - My, Search, Find, Ritual, Longpost
