A note about the descent into the cave "Bottomless well" Crimea. Plateau Chatyr-Dag. 2021

A note about the descent into the cave Bottomless well Crimea. Plateau Chatyr-Dag. 2021 - My, Hike, Tourism, Caves, Crimea, Chatyr-Dag, Longpost
A note about the descent into the cave Bottomless well Crimea. Plateau Chatyr-Dag. 2021 - My, Hike, Tourism, Caves, Crimea, Chatyr-Dag, Longpost
A note about the descent into the cave Bottomless well Crimea. Plateau Chatyr-Dag. 2021 - My, Hike, Tourism, Caves, Crimea, Chatyr-Dag, Longpost
A note about the descent into the cave Bottomless well Crimea. Plateau Chatyr-Dag. 2021 - My, Hike, Tourism, Caves, Crimea, Chatyr-Dag, Longpost
A note about the descent into the cave Bottomless well Crimea. Plateau Chatyr-Dag. 2021 - My, Hike, Tourism, Caves, Crimea, Chatyr-Dag, Longpost
