Polyphasic sleep. "System" enslaves the Man or how to exit the Real-RPG game

Polyphasic sleep. System enslaves the Man or how to exit the Real-RPG game - My, Self-development, Longpost, Text, The science, Dream, Samizdat, Experience, Esoterics, Motivation, Personal experience, Brain, Writing, Books
Polyphasic sleep. System enslaves the Man or how to exit the Real-RPG game - My, Self-development, Longpost, Text, The science, Dream, Samizdat, Experience, Esoterics, Motivation, Personal experience, Brain, Writing, Books
Polyphasic sleep. System enslaves the Man or how to exit the Real-RPG game - My, Self-development, Longpost, Text, The science, Dream, Samizdat, Experience, Esoterics, Motivation, Personal experience, Brain, Writing, Books
Polyphasic sleep. System enslaves the Man or how to exit the Real-RPG game - My, Self-development, Longpost, Text, The science, Dream, Samizdat, Experience, Esoterics, Motivation, Personal experience, Brain, Writing, Books
