Continuation of the post "Console RPG - an attempt to create a game"

Continuation of the post Console RPG - an attempt to create a game - My, Games, Online Games, Programming, RPG, MMO, Reply to post, Longpost
Continuation of the post Console RPG - an attempt to create a game - My, Games, Online Games, Programming, RPG, MMO, Reply to post, Longpost
Continuation of the post Console RPG - an attempt to create a game - My, Games, Online Games, Programming, RPG, MMO, Reply to post, Longpost
Continuation of the post Console RPG - an attempt to create a game - My, Games, Online Games, Programming, RPG, MMO, Reply to post, Longpost
Continuation of the post Console RPG - an attempt to create a game - My, Games, Online Games, Programming, RPG, MMO, Reply to post, Longpost
Continuation of the post Console RPG - an attempt to create a game - My, Games, Online Games, Programming, RPG, MMO, Reply to post, Longpost
