Continuation of the post "Problems with the peekaboo application"

Continuation of the post Problems with the peekaboo application - Problem, Bug on Peekaboo, Peekaboo, Peekaboo app, Screenshot, Reply to post, Longpost
Continuation of the post Problems with the peekaboo application - Problem, Bug on Peekaboo, Peekaboo, Peekaboo app, Screenshot, Reply to post, Longpost
Continuation of the post Problems with the peekaboo application - Problem, Bug on Peekaboo, Peekaboo, Peekaboo app, Screenshot, Reply to post, Longpost
Continuation of the post Problems with the peekaboo application - Problem, Bug on Peekaboo, Peekaboo, Peekaboo app, Screenshot, Reply to post, Longpost
