Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series "Window to the Past"

Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series Window to the Past - My, Story, Archeology, Interesting, London, Longpost, Middle Ages
Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series Window to the Past - My, Story, Archeology, Interesting, London, Longpost, Middle Ages
Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series Window to the Past - My, Story, Archeology, Interesting, London, Longpost, Middle Ages
Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series Window to the Past - My, Story, Archeology, Interesting, London, Longpost, Middle Ages
Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series Window to the Past - My, Story, Archeology, Interesting, London, Longpost, Middle Ages
Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series Window to the Past - My, Story, Archeology, Interesting, London, Longpost, Middle Ages
Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series Window to the Past - My, Story, Archeology, Interesting, London, Longpost, Middle Ages
Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series Window to the Past - My, Story, Archeology, Interesting, London, Longpost, Middle Ages
Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series Window to the Past - My, Story, Archeology, Interesting, London, Longpost, Middle Ages
Five centuries at the bottom of the Thames. Riddle of the skeleton in boots. Series Window to the Past - My, Story, Archeology, Interesting, London, Longpost, Middle Ages
