Icicles vs. Physics. What icicles on your country house say and why they can be on either side of the roof

Icicles vs. Physics. What icicles on your country house say and why they can be on either side of the roof - My, Building, Construction, Heat loss, Heat insulation, Icicles, Roof, House, Dacha, Vacation home, Problem, Longpost
Icicles vs. Physics. What icicles on your country house say and why they can be on either side of the roof - My, Building, Construction, Heat loss, Heat insulation, Icicles, Roof, House, Dacha, Vacation home, Problem, Longpost
Icicles vs. Physics. What icicles on your country house say and why they can be on either side of the roof - My, Building, Construction, Heat loss, Heat insulation, Icicles, Roof, House, Dacha, Vacation home, Problem, Longpost
Icicles vs. Physics. What icicles on your country house say and why they can be on either side of the roof - My, Building, Construction, Heat loss, Heat insulation, Icicles, Roof, House, Dacha, Vacation home, Problem, Longpost
Icicles vs. Physics. What icicles on your country house say and why they can be on either side of the roof - My, Building, Construction, Heat loss, Heat insulation, Icicles, Roof, House, Dacha, Vacation home, Problem, Longpost
Icicles vs. Physics. What icicles on your country house say and why they can be on either side of the roof - My, Building, Construction, Heat loss, Heat insulation, Icicles, Roof, House, Dacha, Vacation home, Problem, Longpost
Icicles vs. Physics. What icicles on your country house say and why they can be on either side of the roof - My, Building, Construction, Heat loss, Heat insulation, Icicles, Roof, House, Dacha, Vacation home, Problem, Longpost
