Chipping, conspiracy theory: A response to an article from the website, and about what is happening in general. Part 2

Chipping, conspiracy theory: A response to an article from the website, and about what is happening in general. Part 2 - My, Nazism, West, Propaganda, Politics, Теория заговора, Coronavirus, Esoterics, Media and press, Video, Youtube, Longpost, Elite, Masons, Aliens, UFO, Religion, The science, Story, Racism
Chipping, conspiracy theory: A response to an article from the website, and about what is happening in general. Part 2 - My, Nazism, West, Propaganda, Politics, Теория заговора, Coronavirus, Esoterics, Media and press, Video, Youtube, Longpost, Elite, Masons, Aliens, UFO, Religion, The science, Story, Racism
