Sex, sultan and scandals: how joys ruined Ibrahim I and why he was nicknamed "Mad"

Sex, sultan and scandals: how joys ruined Ibrahim I and why he was nicknamed Mad - Story, Sultan, Ottoman Empire, Interesting, Longpost, NSFW
Sex, sultan and scandals: how joys ruined Ibrahim I and why he was nicknamed Mad - Story, Sultan, Ottoman Empire, Interesting, Longpost, NSFW
Sex, sultan and scandals: how joys ruined Ibrahim I and why he was nicknamed Mad - Story, Sultan, Ottoman Empire, Interesting, Longpost, NSFW
Sex, sultan and scandals: how joys ruined Ibrahim I and why he was nicknamed Mad - Story, Sultan, Ottoman Empire, Interesting, Longpost, NSFW
Sex, sultan and scandals: how joys ruined Ibrahim I and why he was nicknamed Mad - Story, Sultan, Ottoman Empire, Interesting, Longpost, NSFW
Sex, sultan and scandals: how joys ruined Ibrahim I and why he was nicknamed Mad - Story, Sultan, Ottoman Empire, Interesting, Longpost, NSFW
