Response to the post "What is the shelf life of thermal paste and how much to take it?"

Response to the post What is the shelf life of thermal paste and how much to take it? - AliExpress, Purchase, Mailru answers, Thermal paste, Computer help, Computer, CPU, Reply to post, Longpost
Response to the post What is the shelf life of thermal paste and how much to take it? - AliExpress, Purchase, Mailru answers, Thermal paste, Computer help, Computer, CPU, Reply to post, Longpost
Response to the post What is the shelf life of thermal paste and how much to take it? - AliExpress, Purchase, Mailru answers, Thermal paste, Computer help, Computer, CPU, Reply to post, Longpost
Response to the post What is the shelf life of thermal paste and how much to take it? - AliExpress, Purchase, Mailru answers, Thermal paste, Computer help, Computer, CPU, Reply to post, Longpost
