In the Kherson region found a transshipment point of Ukrainian saboteurs

In the Kherson region found a transshipment point of Ukrainian saboteurs - Politics, Special operation, Риа Новости, Video, Soundless, Longpost, Kherson, Kherson region, Terrorism
In the Kherson region found a transshipment point of Ukrainian saboteurs - Politics, Special operation, Риа Новости, Video, Soundless, Longpost, Kherson, Kherson region, Terrorism
In the Kherson region found a transshipment point of Ukrainian saboteurs - Politics, Special operation, Риа Новости, Video, Soundless, Longpost, Kherson, Kherson region, Terrorism
In the Kherson region found a transshipment point of Ukrainian saboteurs - Politics, Special operation, Риа Новости, Video, Soundless, Longpost, Kherson, Kherson region, Terrorism
