False cheekbones and horns. How did the makeup for the movie "Maleficent"!

False cheekbones and horns. How did the makeup for the movie Maleficent! - Creation, Celebrities, Maleficent, Movies, Props, Costume designers, Angelina Jolie, Longpost, Story
False cheekbones and horns. How did the makeup for the movie Maleficent! - Creation, Celebrities, Maleficent, Movies, Props, Costume designers, Angelina Jolie, Longpost, Story
False cheekbones and horns. How did the makeup for the movie Maleficent! - Creation, Celebrities, Maleficent, Movies, Props, Costume designers, Angelina Jolie, Longpost, Story
False cheekbones and horns. How did the makeup for the movie Maleficent! - Creation, Celebrities, Maleficent, Movies, Props, Costume designers, Angelina Jolie, Longpost, Story
False cheekbones and horns. How did the makeup for the movie Maleficent! - Creation, Celebrities, Maleficent, Movies, Props, Costume designers, Angelina Jolie, Longpost, Story
False cheekbones and horns. How did the makeup for the movie Maleficent! - Creation, Celebrities, Maleficent, Movies, Props, Costume designers, Angelina Jolie, Longpost, Story
False cheekbones and horns. How did the makeup for the movie Maleficent! - Creation, Celebrities, Maleficent, Movies, Props, Costume designers, Angelina Jolie, Longpost, Story
