The Croatian "war dog" admitted everything: We were ordered not to let civilians out of Mariupol!

The Croatian war dog admitted everything: We were ordered not to let civilians out of Mariupol! - Politics, Media and press, European Union, NATO, West, Ustase, Croatia, Croats, Dogs of War, Rabies, Mariupol, Azovstal, Zagreb, Nazism, news, Mercenaries, Pope, Flag, Longpost
The Croatian war dog admitted everything: We were ordered not to let civilians out of Mariupol! - Politics, Media and press, European Union, NATO, West, Ustase, Croatia, Croats, Dogs of War, Rabies, Mariupol, Azovstal, Zagreb, Nazism, news, Mercenaries, Pope, Flag, Longpost
The Croatian war dog admitted everything: We were ordered not to let civilians out of Mariupol! - Politics, Media and press, European Union, NATO, West, Ustase, Croatia, Croats, Dogs of War, Rabies, Mariupol, Azovstal, Zagreb, Nazism, news, Mercenaries, Pope, Flag, Longpost
The Croatian war dog admitted everything: We were ordered not to let civilians out of Mariupol! - Politics, Media and press, European Union, NATO, West, Ustase, Croatia, Croats, Dogs of War, Rabies, Mariupol, Azovstal, Zagreb, Nazism, news, Mercenaries, Pope, Flag, Longpost
The Croatian war dog admitted everything: We were ordered not to let civilians out of Mariupol! - Politics, Media and press, European Union, NATO, West, Ustase, Croatia, Croats, Dogs of War, Rabies, Mariupol, Azovstal, Zagreb, Nazism, news, Mercenaries, Pope, Flag, Longpost
The Croatian war dog admitted everything: We were ordered not to let civilians out of Mariupol! - Politics, Media and press, European Union, NATO, West, Ustase, Croatia, Croats, Dogs of War, Rabies, Mariupol, Azovstal, Zagreb, Nazism, news, Mercenaries, Pope, Flag, Longpost
