Red-haired baby Thomas, rescued from the street, is looking for his home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

Red-haired baby Thomas, rescued from the street, is looking for his home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, In good hands, cat, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, No rating, Search, Helping animals, Vertical video, Video, Youtube, Reply to post, Longpost, The strength of the Peekaboo,
Red-haired baby Thomas, rescued from the street, is looking for his home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, In good hands, cat, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, No rating, Search, Helping animals, Vertical video, Video, Youtube, Reply to post, Longpost, The strength of the Peekaboo,
Red-haired baby Thomas, rescued from the street, is looking for his home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, In good hands, cat, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, No rating, Search, Helping animals, Vertical video, Video, Youtube, Reply to post, Longpost, The strength of the Peekaboo,
Red-haired baby Thomas, rescued from the street, is looking for his home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, In good hands, cat, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, No rating, Search, Helping animals, Vertical video, Video, Youtube, Reply to post, Longpost, The strength of the Peekaboo,
Red-haired baby Thomas, rescued from the street, is looking for his home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, In good hands, cat, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, No rating, Search, Helping animals, Vertical video, Video, Youtube, Reply to post, Longpost, The strength of the Peekaboo,
Red-haired baby Thomas, rescued from the street, is looking for his home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - My, In good hands, cat, Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region, No rating, Search, Helping animals, Vertical video, Video, Youtube, Reply to post, Longpost, The strength of the Peekaboo,
