Sbermegamarket. Cancellation of a paid order, ridiculous reasons, thousands of apologies

Sbermegamarket. Cancellation of a paid order, ridiculous reasons, thousands of apologies - My, Mat, No rating, Sbermegamarket, Sberlogistics, Fraud, Deception, Longpost, Negative,
Sbermegamarket. Cancellation of a paid order, ridiculous reasons, thousands of apologies - My, Mat, No rating, Sbermegamarket, Sberlogistics, Fraud, Deception, Longpost, Negative,
Sbermegamarket. Cancellation of a paid order, ridiculous reasons, thousands of apologies - My, Mat, No rating, Sbermegamarket, Sberlogistics, Fraud, Deception, Longpost, Negative,
