Response to the post "In the wake of posts about nostalgia: Babylon 5"

Response to the post In the wake of posts about nostalgia: Babylon 5 - 1993, Nostalgia, Science fiction, Forgotten, Serials, Childhood, 90th, Memories, 2000s, Reply to post, Longpost, A wave of posts
Response to the post In the wake of posts about nostalgia: Babylon 5 - 1993, Nostalgia, Science fiction, Forgotten, Serials, Childhood, 90th, Memories, 2000s, Reply to post, Longpost, A wave of posts
Response to the post In the wake of posts about nostalgia: Babylon 5 - 1993, Nostalgia, Science fiction, Forgotten, Serials, Childhood, 90th, Memories, 2000s, Reply to post, Longpost, A wave of posts
