“All my life I have done what my heart told me to do. And it was very hard for me." Yuri Kuklachev without makeup, cats and clowning

“All my life I have done what my heart told me to do. And it was very hard for me. Yuri Kuklachev without makeup, cats and clowning - Kuklachev, Biography, Dream, Life path, teaching, The purpose of life, Text, Longpost, Clown, Circus, , Theatre, Heart, faith
“All my life I have done what my heart told me to do. And it was very hard for me. Yuri Kuklachev without makeup, cats and clowning - Kuklachev, Biography, Dream, Life path, teaching, The purpose of life, Text, Longpost, Clown, Circus, , Theatre, Heart, faith
“All my life I have done what my heart told me to do. And it was very hard for me. Yuri Kuklachev without makeup, cats and clowning - Kuklachev, Biography, Dream, Life path, teaching, The purpose of life, Text, Longpost, Clown, Circus, , Theatre, Heart, faith
