Real prototypes of the characters in the movie "Fight"

Real prototypes of the characters in the movie Fight - Skirmish, Michael Mann, Movies, Spoiler, Боевики, Video, Longpost
Real prototypes of the characters in the movie Fight - Skirmish, Michael Mann, Movies, Spoiler, Боевики, Video, Longpost
Real prototypes of the characters in the movie Fight - Skirmish, Michael Mann, Movies, Spoiler, Боевики, Video, Longpost
Real prototypes of the characters in the movie Fight - Skirmish, Michael Mann, Movies, Spoiler, Боевики, Video, Longpost
Real prototypes of the characters in the movie Fight - Skirmish, Michael Mann, Movies, Spoiler, Боевики, Video, Longpost
Real prototypes of the characters in the movie Fight - Skirmish, Michael Mann, Movies, Spoiler, Боевики, Video, Longpost
