Cat Tuesday. A story with a good ending, but your advice is needed

Cat Tuesday. A story with a good ending, but your advice is needed - My, cat, Vet clinic, Scottish lop-eared, Help, Longpost
Cat Tuesday. A story with a good ending, but your advice is needed - My, cat, Vet clinic, Scottish lop-eared, Help, Longpost
Cat Tuesday. A story with a good ending, but your advice is needed - My, cat, Vet clinic, Scottish lop-eared, Help, Longpost
Cat Tuesday. A story with a good ending, but your advice is needed - My, cat, Vet clinic, Scottish lop-eared, Help, Longpost
Cat Tuesday. A story with a good ending, but your advice is needed - My, cat, Vet clinic, Scottish lop-eared, Help, Longpost
