The prosecutor's office is preparing to approve the charge against the United Russia deputy, whose house was found 311 grams of mephedrone

The prosecutor's office is preparing to approve the charge against the United Russia deputy, whose house was found 311 grams of mephedrone - My, Samara, Power, Crime, Longpost, Negative, Drugs, Video
The prosecutor's office is preparing to approve the charge against the United Russia deputy, whose house was found 311 grams of mephedrone - My, Samara, Power, Crime, Longpost, Negative, Drugs, Video
The prosecutor's office is preparing to approve the charge against the United Russia deputy, whose house was found 311 grams of mephedrone - My, Samara, Power, Crime, Longpost, Negative, Drugs, Video
The prosecutor's office is preparing to approve the charge against the United Russia deputy, whose house was found 311 grams of mephedrone - My, Samara, Power, Crime, Longpost, Negative, Drugs, Video
