Is it true that the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia exists only in the post-Soviet space?

Is it true that the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia exists only in the post-Soviet space? - My, The medicine, The science, Vd, Проверка, Cardiology, Neurology, Fight against pseudoscience, MythBusters, Informative, Interesting, Longpost
Is it true that the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia exists only in the post-Soviet space? - My, The medicine, The science, Vd, Проверка, Cardiology, Neurology, Fight against pseudoscience, MythBusters, Informative, Interesting, Longpost
Is it true that the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia exists only in the post-Soviet space? - My, The medicine, The science, Vd, Проверка, Cardiology, Neurology, Fight against pseudoscience, MythBusters, Informative, Interesting, Longpost
